Tiredness Level: 5/10

Dear Rubén,

Here an awesome song for the day:

Yesterday I’ve had a team event at the bunker.
I have been home at 23pm and managed to sleep at around midnight. Which means 5h sleep. I feel more tired than yesterday q.q. To make this work I definetelly need to sleep earlier. However I already feel the difference. Days appear to be longer. Ok that might be because the day was actually quite long. Anyways how was it for you today especially with your visiter?

Yesterday I’ve also updated my android phone to 4.4.4 and apparently the guy who did the google apps for cyanogenmod stopped working on it. Therefore I had to look 2h for another package for the gapps. What a pain this update process still is. That’s something apple definitelly does better.

Congrats to beeing featured by your university, nice nice! Then again, maybe they want to show students how to successfully leave the country. (and that they’re especially happy about you leaving xD j.k.)

I’ve told you before but I’m genuinely glad that your blog turned out to be so sophisticated in terms of communicated humor and knowledge. Also that other people think so, too. ^^ For me personally doing a blog was always a worthwhile activity. Although I erased like 5 blogs in my life with tons of entries already so who knows what will happen to your blog once you have the glorious idea to ‘overhaul’ it. xD

About your rabbits – how long do they usually sleep and wake up?

And nice to hear that you find this idea interesting as well. It’s certainly a good entry point to do procrastinated tasks, like your language learning progress haha.

Here is another nice missconception video of veritasium:

As always have a nice day. :)

Ruben’s answer:

Good morning Jan,

What was that bunker event about? I hope it wasn’t about shooting lessons.

Definitely days are longer, so as the increasement of the tiredness levels. I really have to get earlier in bed, as I’m getting to sleep at about midnight or 1AM and when alarm clock sounds it seems like I just set it up, a horrible experience. Though the benefits are clear! I’ve managed to work on my e-mails and improve my interview texts, which took really a lot of time. Hearing music at this time helps building up my motivation.

Things are going well with my visitor. We’ll definitely walk (and eat) a lot, though I suspect I’ll be sleeping on my own sofa so as to avoid waking him up at 6. I don’t think he’d happy about it.

I detected that you modified a few blog entries to include some sort of feedback of what you could improve. That’s great, I might copy (again) your idea in further blog entries.

What are you planning to read, though?

Thanks for your words!

Things I could do due earlier waking up:

  • exercise
  • read
  • breakfast
  • watch interesting videos
  • write blog entry

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