11:15 Dos and Dont’s of Android UI by Juhari Lebtimäki (SnappT)
He talked about a lot of generic and common sense design guidelines. Which you probably know all along by books like “Don’t make me think” by Steve Krug just applied to on android. He gave a couple of recommended principles like
- designing for mdpi resolutions (1dp = 1px = mdpi) and scale from there (android dimensions)
- use conventional icons when appropriate
- use 9-patch
- action bar on top and not on bottom
- naturally swipe between slides (instead of teleporting by tabs)
- errors on top like google play app (leats surprising)
- be careful with tutorials, instructions are bad, try to be self-explanatory
- popups are bad, because it interrupts use flow for no real reason and
- use notifications instead, android did a good job at that
- first time start like evernote for complicated usages
- be conistent with the navigation as much as possible
- let the user use the app without login for the first start even with restricted functionionality, avoid invoking the user to feel like doing a blind bargain
- don’t hide the status bar, your app is not the reason the user has his phone!
- customization is not an alternative to design
- user tests for obvious reasons.
Well nothing really new but it was a well hold presentation nonetheless.
11:40 ProGuard, Optimizer and Obfuscator in the Android SDK by Eric Lafortune (Saikoa)
He basically gave an overview about what proguard does. That it is shrink, optimizes and obfuscates the final release versions of your android apk. Turns out it is a rather powerful tool. I’m using it for protecting code and removing logging so far. There is also a commercial version called dexguard.
12:20 Tracking User Behaviour Creatively by Kiana Tennyson (Manheim)
Google Analytics how-to tutorial kind of talk. Let’s hope people with bad intentions don’t abuse it.
12:20 Build your own app analytics tools by Matthais Huber and Monica Tudora (1&1 Internet)
Monica showed some simple code examples how to track user input and publishing it to private servers in order to improve the app with ACRA and heatmaps. Probably bigget advantage of that approach is that you don’t need to publish anylitic statistics on public and / or 3rd person services. Also she made me aware of how easy it is to create own analytic tools. It can be simple and still can be useful.
13:00 LUNCH
14:00 Firefox OS by Andreas Gal (Modzilla)
It’s quiet interesting concept of having an entire OS being programmable by html, js and css. Sadly very presented too quiet.
14:45 Re-Engineering the Facebook SDK by Connor Treacy (Facebook)
Connor Treacy presented the latest Facebook SDK 3 changes compared to 2. The sdk is easier to use now, and probably easier as well.
15:25 Real Time High Performance Multimedia Systems on Android by Prashant Dixit (Ittiam Systems)
slides will follow…
16:35 Biitstrap Continues Testing for Android in 5 Minutes by Andreas Lüdeke (TestObject)
http://www.cloudbees.com/#slide-2 and http://testobject.com/ in toolchain