
Easy Movie Texture For Android Version: 2.18

Whoever uses the Easy Movie Texture For Android (Video Texture) version 2.18 and also uses split apks (obbs) in unity might run into problems with the streaming asset sub-folders. It’s a great plugin to handle rendered textures on mobile devices.

However the plugin fails to create sub-directories while copying videos out of the obbs into their respective sub-folders. Which can fixed by adding

in the MediaPlayerCtrl.CopyStreamingAssetVideoAndLoad.

So it looks like this:

Also in order to have a e.g. complete callback, simply add a

in the same class and call them at the respective m_CurrentState checks:

I’ve already e-mailed the fix to Lee JaeYun and it will be fixed in a later version presumably, until then use the fix and enjoy.

copy assets script for multiple resolutions for android

Assuming you want to build multiple apks for multiple resolutions on android or just have faster apk upload time to your android device during development.

Considering you want to copy from /myapp/resources/ to /myapp/android/assets/ for several resolutions and you want only to click once for each resolution build.
To accomplish this i recommend using rsycn/ and cygwin.

You might have these script files in:


Where you merely send the desired resolution at to the actually copy_assets shell script. (e.g the 768x_CopyAssets.bat)

The copy_assets.sh would look like:

And in case you want to ignore files or dirs you can use IgnoreCopyAssets.txt

Or the other resolutions (e.g the 768x_IgnoreCopyAssets.txt) Note: you can use # to comment files or directories out. ;)


Easy to use scripts to copy assets and remove all unwanted ones from your assets folder plus the posibility to ignore files and dirs on demand. Enjoy :)