Well there is not much to say about this excerise, really. You can create lines and circles, drag them, and change their attributes.
This is my solution to cg2 exercersise a01.1.
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Well there is not much to say about this excerise, really. You can create lines and circles, drag them, and change their attributes.
This is my solution to cg2 exercersise a01.1.
Categories: 2D, canvas, HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, require.js, webgl
Tags: 2d, canvas, html5, javascript, jquery, require.js, webgl
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April 27, 2014 at 3:00 am
you might wanna change the title of this blog post because you are not using WebGL at all for this, you are using the 2D canvas API and the title misdirects.
May 24, 2014 at 11:06 pm
You’re right, changed it. It belongs to the computer graphic course about webgl I attended and when writting this post I didn’t quite think about it. Sorry about that.