
Android libgdx ShaderAssetLoader & StillModelLoader

I totally love how libgdx brings a lot of interfaces for your application to connect to the graphics library. For instance the asset manager is really thought through well in particular. It has some really useful methods like Assets.manager.getProgress(). Especially since you can easily write your own asset loader and be able to utilize the loading progress in your app.

1) Simply add your loader to the asset manager at some point.

2) load your assets at required places, e.g. loading screen
(Note: SHADER_PHONG = “data/Graphics/Shader/Phong”; and MODEL_TEAPOT = “data/Graphics/Shader/teapot.obj”)

3) get your shader or model wherever you need them

4) free the resource by unloading when you’re done with them (e.g. disposing your app; changing screens)

That’s the shader asset loader for loading custom shaders in libgdx. (Note: adapt your extensions)

And here is the StillModel loader for loading 3D meshes:

Conclusion: assets are handled well in libgdx :D

Keyboard trainer Letters

In my 2nd semester I made a little keyboard trainer in flash called Letters. Although it never got finished: feel free to play it. Make sure that flash has the focus, so if nothing happens when you press keys click on the flash window.
